- Online / Offline Algorithm
- Offline: all jobs and their characteristics are known in advance (entire input available from the start)
- Online may use heuristics from offline algorithm
- Compare using Competitive Ratio
- an online algorithm c-competitive if, for any sequence of jobs, the incurred energy is upper bounded by c times the optimum energy for that sequence.
- Continuous / Discrete Speed Model
- Continuous: the processor speed may be set at any real value.
- Uniform / Variable Frequency Setting
- Uniform: the operating frequencies of all the cores are the same. For such systems, when DFS is applied, the core frequencies are varied uniformly.
- Task Model
- Periodic / Aperiodic
- Preemption / Non-preemption
- Migration / Non-migration
- Common release time tasks
- Agreeable deadline tasks
- ri≥rj⟹di≥dj
- Real platform
- Application area