Multi-Core Processor (MP)
Ref: S. Albers, F. Müller, S. Schmelzer, Speed scaling on parallel processors, Algorithmica 68 (2) (2014) 404–425.
- proved the NP-hardness of the multi-core DVS problem when tasks could not migrate and gave several approximation algorithms for various special cases.
Consider n jobs,
- Job i is specified by a release date r(i), a deadline d(i) .
- Job i can be feasibly scheduled in the time interval [r(i),d(i)).
- Processing volume p(i), the amount of work that must be finished to complete the job.
- Have to be assigned to m parallel processors, each of which can independently operate at variable speed.
- Allow job preemption, disallow job migration.
- Power Consumption depends on processor's speed s
First assign jobs to processors and then, on each processor, construct an optimal schedule for the job set assigned to it.
Unit Size Jobs with Agreeable Deadlines
- polynomial time algorithm : RR
- jobs are first sorted according to their release dates and are then assigned to processors using Round Robin
Unit Size Jobs with Arbitrary Release Dates and Deadlines (NP-hard)
Classified Round Robin
- first divides the given jobs into classes such that each class job densities differ by a factor of at most 2
Jobs with Arbitrary Processing volume Requirements p(i)
- Earliest Deadline and List scheduling (Greedy)
- Assign each job to the processor that currently has the smallest load.
Online Algorithms
- Apply a single processor online algorithm instead of constructing optimal schedules.
---- Appendix ----
See Multi-core Processor (MP) Folder
- Linear Programming
- Max flow
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